Sunday, November 4, 2012 How beautiful skin care it needs

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This winter, blooming out of the popular fashion show a sense of eye makeup gradient soft focus effect, regardless of the depth of color eye shadow, and then overlap must overlap, then halo halo brush brush, creating a natural three-dimensional, as if born to build deep profiles. the depth of focus is that the original color after color eye shadow, then a large light-colored eye shadow brush dipped pearl halo constantly brush the edges, so that the color gradient is more natural, and if it is usually painted with pink color is also suggested, earth colors, etc, you can create a natural and eye-catching effect.
light-colored soft-focus natural three-dimensional (full text)
use cascading faint pink eye shadow brush, matte pink base, pale pink pearl a wide range of stacked brush, and then fold the eye blooming red wine, you can create three-dimensional if there seems to be no sense of eye makeup.
1. with black eyeliner eyeliner along the lash roots draw fine
2. small eye shadow brush stained pink eye shadow brush orbital rendering.
3. with a large eye shadow brush dipped pearl pink Seyan stacked image a circular motion brush the upper eyelid.
on how to best make-up mirror (full text)
the weather is getting cold , cotton clothing for the cold listless like taking pictures of girls together does not matter, even to the snow of the season, as long as you want to show their advanced interior studio so you can still play fairy dress to wear the United States. is often useful to see the woman's photo head, acknowledged beauty, but the shot did not take pictures, but homely girl might very stunning on the mirror. pictures makeup tips and general office makeup, party makeup is quite different, than the actual makeup imaging effect of light a lot, like Mei Mei's photo shoot, how to make in order to grasp the lens, their most beautiful blooming side of it?
Point1 refused fleshy face
In general, the photos in the beauty from the facial contours clear and vivid, the reason why we should call winter, potential long dry lines, will be like a sudden wind, look in the fine lines!
WEEK1 strengthen basic pay, fine lines struck
repel moisture is the key! when the face of the stratum corneum and dermis are filling with water, water metabolism in top condition when Your skin will naturally become youthful.
winter skin effectively pay Dafa (full text)
every winter, the skin is a long-term challenges. temperature is decreased 1 ℃, skin moisture on the resulting loss of a little more and we do every day pay, in the normal care, how to effectively carry out water on the skin it?
to skin care products regularly exfoliating first, followed by cleansing, toning , cream and cream are indispensable, each product function and responsibility.. if that done still feel dry, then you may need to add after the essence of the essence of a high permeability oil, must be well nourished and soften dry skin. Also pay attention to use, toner semi-follow-up time is necessary to use the product, so the permeability of the essence and cream will be stronger, better water effects will play.
collagen, so you internally and externally (full text)
for facial skin, you find ways to fight it is not the old face, but the body? How do you conserve the body's skin? skin in 70% of the protein collagen , a solid skin collagen as a shield to keep the skin elastic moisture, such as baby-like filling, according to medical reports showed that: 20 years of age began quietly collagen loss; 25-year-old into the loss peak; 40 years of age, the skin collagen content of less than 18-year-old half the loss of collagen, resulting in the elastic support network broken skin, dry, rough, loose, large pores, pigmentation, and other aging oncoming.
together when the woman discussion of skin care experience, he will talk about their skin care products with some effect on how good, but which does not seem to have heard that drinking a certain section oral collagen, the skin becomes supple and younger you doubt that advertising is only appear in the scene.
beauty food, eat radiant (full text)
what food makes beautiful black hair, bright eyes good to the eye gaze, let lips moist and plump? read on you will have the answer.
This little seed is rich in zinc can help you reduce hair loss. rushed for their own breakfast cereal, you can scoop a spoonful of good knock on the pumpkin porridge.
alert! bad habit of accelerated skin aging skin care (full-text )
what it is today, at first glance no different with a teenager, why I still give the your Once the program would be improper, it will lead to premature aging of your skin or aging at a deeper level, so that 80% of skin aging are the fault of their own. in the end what you have been doing but do not know is in the promotion of skin aging bad habit? your own skin aging is the culprit then?
slapped lotion dull muscle
mm shoot a lot of people like to pour toner wiping his face in the palm of the hand upward, in fact, This applied approach is unreasonable, if the hand is not clean, then put on the face can also cause secondary pollution, not only can not let the water make-up to play the original toning, exfoliating effect, but let's face plus one more layer of dirt from the palm, resulting in blockage of the pores, skin accumulation, long-term skin looks more uniform, even if you are still young, but looks better than the others, old old.
easy to lose weight in winter enjoy, thin , then it should choose the right weight loss method, weight loss in the end. Failure to take effective measures to lose weight, obesity is likely to become more aggravated.
abuse diet pills to lose weight is the most popular topic of public , a variety of weight loss after another, people get confused which is the oldest method of weight loss diet pills, but the quality of good and bad diet pills, weight loss principles of simple stunning, that is, simple diarrhea, so patients and dehydration. < br>
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